A home-based business is any business with its primary office located in the owner’s home, regardless of type or size. Many well known companies began as home-based, including Apple, Baskin-Robbins, Hallmark, and Purex, as stated by Entrepreneur. With so much that can be done online, operating virtually from home is more feasible than ever today.
A business operated from the comfort of your home is still a business, and it needs to be insured, the same as any other operation. Homeowners insurance and renters insurance will not cover home-based businesses. With the potential for business liabilities today, you would be wise to have some combination of business insurance policies in place.
The insurance you need for your home-based business will depend on your industry or business. Our experienced agent can help you determine what types of coverage to purchase. The following are some common types of home based business insurance:
Sit down with our knowledgeable agent to discuss the types of insurance you may need for your home based business. We can help you find the right coverage for the best available rates.