Your homeowners insurance premiums can be reduced with eco-friendly changes to your home environment. Any way to reduce monthly costs is valuable, and it is worth considering whether making changes could help you save. Some of the incentives offered by several insurance providers include:
LEED certification for a home: LEED, or “Leadership in Energy in and Environmental Design,” is a green building rating, which most people consider is for commercial, industrial, or educational facilities. However, implementing these standards when building or remodeling a home can help reduce energy costs significantly, and may allow you to enjoy discounts on your homeowners insurance policy. If you are looking for a home insurance company that offers these discounts, speak to one of our local agents.
To gain the benefits of lower monthly premiums, you must provide the homeowners insurance company with documentation, such as the LEED certification document. If you have installed Energy Star appliances in your home, you still need to achieve LEED certification, which may require some added changes to the home. Once the standards for LEED certification are met, a discount of 5% is available from several homeowners insurance providers.
Some insurance companies offer a “green home” discount. If your home is damaged by fire, for example, the homeowners insurance policy pays to replace damaged appliances with Energy Star appliances, VOC-free material replacements and pay towards the cost of recycling debris.
Homeowners can also enjoy discounts for owning several types of policies through one provider, for never filing a claim, first-time home buyer discounts, or when building a home, using contractors a specific insurance company has approved, or an “accredited builder discount.” Other discounts can be offered for installing home protection devices, such as smoke detectors, sprinkler systems, or home security systems to make a home safer, and less likely to suffer a loss. Installing impact-resistant glass can allow a discount. Some types of roof installations that are better suited to withstand serious weather events can allow for a discount on premiums.
As a homeowner, you deserve to gain every possible discount or improved coverage available. If you are considering a more affordable homeowners insurance policy with better coverage, we invite you to speak with one of our local agents about the programs now available on the market. Every year, new options are offered, including discounts for eco-friendly homes.