Car insurance policies vary in what they cover. The state mandates certain types of coverage that you must have to legally get behind the wheel. However, the mandated minimum coverage may be far too low in some situations, such as being in a hit-and-run, in an accident with an uninsured driver, or if your car is damaged by a falling tree or fire. As a driver, it helps to understand the various types of auto insurance available, as you may decide to pay just a little more to gain a lot more protection.
You may be a very safe driver. However, even the most careful driver can run into trouble when sharing the road with a driver who is drunk, on drugs, speeding, distracted, or driving recklessly. As much as we hope to avoid car accidents, over a lifetime, they can happen. A collision can range from minor fender-benders to a serious crash. In addition, incidents involving theft, vandalism, or weather-related damage are fairly common.
Why not make sure your investment in your vehicle is protected? For assistance in choosing the best auto insurance policy, get help from an insurance agent. You may be surprised to discover that adding extra coverage, such as uninsured/underinsured driver coverage or comprehensive insurance, will increase the premiums but add a layer of protection for when the unexpected happens. If you have a teen driver, don’t scrimp on auto insurance. Young drivers, even well-trained, lack the extensive experience that results in being a good driver. Statistically, they are more likely to be involved in a collision.